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Set Actions: Range Comparisons

Interaction with data in Tableau moved to another level, when Tableau team integrated 'Set Actions'. 

Selection of sets might be applied in:
  • Viz (color, shape, sort, group), 
  • Set (filter on a related field, group by a related field)
  • Calculations (filter a measure by a selection, using the set as a condition). 
Setting action lets you:
  • Сreate your own range comparison depending on the selected values in the context
  • Find items that are related to selected values in category instead of keeping only the items that exactly match (as in case of filters)
It is not the whole list of advantages, but here I'd like to bring your attention on one of the most attractive use case - dynamic range comparison depending on selected sets:

The main idea of this dashboard is to show how countries are involved in the digitalization process and who are the absolute leaders by the speed. User can deep dive into a certain time frame to understand whether the situation has changed regarding the absolute growth leaders or there might be some changes. 

The main concept based on which dynamic range was implemented there was a creation a couple of calcs with 2 sets and calculates all the rest metrics in dashboards taking into account 2 selected periods. You can download tableau workbook to find more details.

About data: "DESI (Digital Economy and Society Index) is a composite index that summarises relevant indicators on Europe's digital performance and tracks the evolution of EU member states in digital competitiveness." 
Index DESI defines based on five indicators:
  • Connectivity
  • Human Capital
  • Use of Internet
  • Integration of Digital Technology
  • Digital Public Services


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